Thursday, October 02, 2008


One of my nephews going to celebrate 15 years old birthday. Now I am cracking my head to think of what to buy for him as birthday present. Usually I love to buy books as birthday presents for my cousins and nephews. But now I wish to have a change. If I keep giving them books, I am sure they will get bore too. LOL

This nephew love sports very much. One of his favorite sports is baseballs. He had been selected by his school to represent the team to participate in national level competition. So far, his team had won few prizes too. He had complete set of baseball equipment, such as baseball gloves, sport wears, batting gloves and others. According to his dad, those baseball equipments not cheap at all. Lucky his school subsidy part of the money, else I don’t think his parent allow him to join the team too. Imagine, buying school accessories already not cheap nowadays, what’s more have to spend extra on sports equipment. But come to think of it, he enjoy the sports very much, we should not take away his interest, right?

I wonder will my kids fond any sports in future or not. If yes, then I better prepare myself to invest some money for their sport accessories then.