Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gain more traffic to my blog

I spend lots of my personal time in setting up my personal blog and I expect more visitors or readers come and visit my blog. However after few months, I noticed my blog’s visitor is very few and the figure quite disappointed me too. What shall I do next in order to get more readers to visit my blog?

Well, I was told by my IT expert that I should submit my blog to some blog directory to gain more traffic and exposure. He suggested Alive Blog Directory to me coz the site offer a comprehensive selection of blog categories with deep link submission options. It has standard and featured listing which are available with yearly and permanent submission options.

After submitting your blog to Alive Blog Directory, your blog will be listed according to the category that selected by you. If your blog is popular, then it will appear in “Top Hits” section.

Since this is a good opportunity for me to gain more traffic, perhaps I should give it a try now!